Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Vir die eerste keer in baie jare het ek weer 'n lappop gemaak en na 'n lang gesukkel met siekwees en slegvoel het ek haar so twee dae terug klaar gekry!  Sy lyk tog te fraai!!!  Ek geniet dit om poppe en ander speelgoed te maak maar wil nie bestellings he nie, onder geen omstandighede nie.  Ek voel dat bestellings my inperk en dan ly my kreatiwiteit daaronder want ek moet dan dieselfde goed oor en oor en oor maak en doen soos ek gevra word en soms is mense baie haastig en raak hulle vies of kwaad as ek die dag siek is en nie kan werk nie!  Nee, eerder wil ek op my eie tyd en teen my eie pas my goedjies maak of hekel of brei dan weet ek ek het niks afgejaag of afgeskeep nie!  Hier is Jenny die lappop! Geniet dit!

Friday, September 30, 2011


Here are my two newest dress sets I've crated.  Sorry, but I don't take any orders for now!  Enjoy the pics!

Thursday, September 29, 2011


Today, I'm not feeling well at all.  I didn't sleep last night, I'm grumpy, irritated, moody, feel like crying and can't concentrate too well!
My birthday is coming up and I hate it, I really, really hate it! I don't have a husband, don't have kids and is all alone!
Birthday's make me depressed, and I wish they can pass me without any notice or word!
I'm in a lot of pain, physically and emosionally with no one to talk to! It's only I, me and myself!  I don't trust people, because I've learned that they just make to be your friend untill they've got a juicy story to tell to every one else! And I don't like my private matters and feelings to be discussed by others.  I'm really busy with crocheting baby clothes for reborn dolls and my hand are sore! I need a little bit of rest! Time out!!!!

Friday, July 8, 2011


Vandag wil ek ietsie met my Afrikaanse vriende deel - ek gaan vir julle die patroon gee van 'n kortmou truitjie vir 'n pasgebore (newborn) baba.  Ek brei dit met hekelgare en dit is nogal 'n gewilde baadjie by reborn artists (die mense wat die reborn poppe maak soos op my blog foto).  Geniet dit en indien daar enige iets is wat jy nie verstaan nie, voel dan vry om te vra!

Ek gee slegs die BAADJIE se patroon:


Jy het nodig:  No. 5 hekelgare; 2.50mm (ou no 12) breipenne; stekehouers

Afkortings:  ste = steke; aw = aweregs; r = regs; rek = reksteek (elke ry regs); beg = begin; pat = patroon; ks = koussteek (1 ry regs, 1 ry aweregs);

Stel 60 ste op met 2.50mm breipenne.
Brei 10 rye rek.
*Brei 6 rye ks, beg met 'n aw ry.
Brei 4 rye rek.*
Hierdie 10 rye vorm die patroon.
Herhaal vanaf * tot * nog 4 keer = patroon dan 5 keer gebrei.
Brei patroon korrek en heg 3 ste af aan die beg van die volgende 2 rye.
Brei patroon korrek en brei 2 ste saam aan die beg van die volgende 4 rye = 50ste.
Brei verder reguit sonder verminderings totdat die patroon 4 keer gebrei is vanaf die uithol.
Brei die eerste 6 rye van die patroon.
Heg 13 steke af, brei ry deur.
Herg 13 steke af, brei ry deur.
Sit die res van die steke wat op die breipen oor is, op 'n stekehouer en laat eenkant.

Stel 30 ste op.
Brei 10 rye rek.
Brei die patroon soos vir die agterpant vanaf * tot * 5 keer.
Heg 3 ste af aan die begin van jou volgende ry en brei ry deur.
Brei 1 ry patroon (sonder om minder te maak).
Brei 2 ste saam aan begin van volgende ry, en brei die ry deur.
Brei 2 ste saam aan die einde van die volgende ry, en brei die ry deur.
Brei verder reguit en hou die patroon korrek totdat 3 patrone voltooi is vanaf die uithol.
Brei 1 ry aw.
Heg 5 ste af aan begin van volgende ry en brei ry deur.
Hou die patroon korrek en brei 2 ste tesame elke 2de ry aan die nekkant totdat die uithol so lank soos die agterpant s'n is - 13 ste bly oor.
Heg die steke af.  (moenie dit op 'n stekehouer sit nie - heg dit af).
Brei die tweede voorpant dieselfde maar met die fatsoenering van die uithol en die nek omgekeerd - dit moet aan die teenoorgestelde kant as die eerste voorpant s'n wees.
Stel 45 ste op.
Brei 10 rye rek.
Brei in patroonsteek soos vir die agterpant en vermeerder 1 steek aan ELKE KANT van die breiwerk, elke 4de ry totdat jy 59 ste op die breipen het = 2x patroonrye + die eerste 6 rye.
Heg die steke af.
Brei die ander moutjie dieselfde.
Stel 15 ste op.
Glip elke 1e steek van elke ry (moenie die eerste steek brei nie, glip net oor op die breipen).
Brei 105 rye rek.
Sit die steke op 'n stekehouer.
Die kraag word nou aan die voorpante agterpant en strokies vasgebrei soos volg:
1.  R oor die steke van een van die strokies, Tel nou 18 ste op by die nekkant van die Regter voorpant (aan die Regterkant - die Regterkant moet na jou toe wys), brei oor die steke van die Agterpant, Tel nou weer 18 steke op by die nek van die Linker voorpant, net soos wat jy by die Regtervoorpant gedoen het, brei oor die steke van die tweede strokie.
2.  Heg 6 ste af aan die begin van die ry, en r ry deur.
3.  Heg 6 ste af aan die begin van die ry, en r ry deur.
4 - 10.  Brei nou 7 rye rek, en onthou om elke 1e st van die ry te glip.
11.  Maak 1 st meer in die eerste st van die ry, brei tot laatst st en maak 1 steek meer in die laaste st.
12 - 13.  Brei 2 rye rek sonder om meer te maak.
14.  Herhaal ry 11.
15-16.  Brei 2 rye rek sonder om meer te maak.
17. Herhaal ry 11.
18-19.  Brei 2 rye rek sonder om meer te maak.
20-22. Brei rek.
Heg al die steke af.
1.  Werk die synate toe.
2.  Werk die skouernate toe.
3.  Werk die moue toe.
4.  Werk die moue in die mousgat openinge in.
5.  Werk die strokies aan die voorpante vas.
6.  Werk alle los draadjies weg.
7.  Werk versierings aan soos wat jy verkies.

Thursday, July 7, 2011


4 ply yarn; 3mm knitting needles

Ns = needles; MC = main colour; CC = contrast colour; gst = gather stitch; K = knit; Inc = increase; incl = including; tog = together; sts = stitches; c/on = cast on; c/off = cast off; patt = pattern;p = purl; dec = decrease;

Using 3mm Ns and MC, c/on 25 sts.

...1. Inc, k to end.

2. K.

Repeat first and 2nd rows 4 times (30sts).

Work 19 rows in gst.

Shape front as follows:

1st row (wrong side): C/off 10 sts, patt to end.

2nd row: K.

3rd row: Using CC, kl, p to last st, k1.

4th row: Using CC, k.

5th row: Using MC, k.

6th row: As 5th row.

Rep rows 3 to 6 incl 3 times, then rows 3 to 5 once.

Keeping continuity of striped patt, shape toe as follows:

1. K2tog, patt to end.

2. Patt to end.

Repeat last 2 rows 4 times (15 sts).

11. Patt to end.

12. Using MC, k1, p to 2nd last st, inc in last st.

13. Using MC, k.

14. Using CC, k to 2nd last st, inc in last st.

15. Using CC, k.

Repeat rows 12 to 15 incl once, then 12th row once (20sts).

21. Using MC, k.

22. Using CC. k.

23. As 22nd row.

24. Using MC, kl, p to last st, k1.

Repeat rows 21 to 24 incl 3 times, then rows 21 to 23 incl once.

next row: Using MC, c/on 10 sts, p across work to last st, k1 (30sts).

Complete other side of back of bootee, working dec on heel to correspond with other side. Work another bootie in the same way.


Using a flat seam, sew up sole and back seams. Run slip-stitch around the edge of striped section, pull firmly to gather. Using a flat seam, sew up centre front to 2cm from top. Fasten off. If desired, thread round elastic through 2 cm from top, fold over top. Using MC and CC make pompom. Attach to bootee as on photo.See More


Sunday, June 5, 2011


Today I went with my friend, his mother and mine to the local flea market.  Goodness, so many people at one place!  But, I didn't went there to see all the people, but I went to this one little shop - the shop where I could buy the qutest and most beautiful little ribbon flowers and bows and accessories to use for all of my crocheting!  There are so many, it's difficult to choose, but I've enjoyed it and I will certainly go back for some more!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Click Click

Click click sounds the knitting needles! I must finish this order done this week and then,
Maybe, I will share my pattern with all of you!

Thursday, March 10, 2011


The little "norinco" bag I found on the "Lazy Girl" blog and was my first material bag I ever made!  It came out really nice!
The other two bags I crochet and I loved it!
The grey bag with the hat was my own design, I've crocheted the hat and then the bag to match, and I am very pleased with the outcome of it!
I just loooooooove bags!  Any kind of bags!

Saturday, March 5, 2011


This tablerunner and placemats are made by hand, everything, the patchwork, the quilting, the binding and I loved it!!!  this is a really easy pattern and I've learned with this same pattern, many years ago, to do patchwork and later on to quilt.  Enjoy!

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Today wasn't great at all!  I wasn't feeling well and didn't do anything!  Just wandered around the house the whole day long!  It was very hot too and that alone took a lot of strength out of me!  But as the evening came, the heat decreases and I'm feeling a little bit better and I know soon I will be crocheting again!
Here are some pics of stuff I've made a while ago and they are still up for grabs!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


 This coaster was made from an old cd.  I've decoupaged the picture after I printed it from my computer.  This was made for a women's function we had recently and the women just loved it!

The gift bags was also a winner!  They loved it!  And I loved making them!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Decoupaged Notebooks

The photo above shows the opened book - the back and front
Front of book

The photo above shows the opened book - the back and front

Front of book

The photo above shows the opened book - the back and front

Front of book

The photo above shows the opened book - the back and front

Front of book


And so, this morning I've tried to make some decoupaged notebooks. They turned out pretty nice and I really enjoyed myself! 
I've used mulberry paper, some glitter glue, podge, ribbon and raffia, together with serviette pictures.

Friday, February 4, 2011


Here are a few more pictures of my babyclothes for reborn dolls (and of course real babies too!), I've made and sold.